Delusions and how long they last

how long did ur delusions last? mine have tended to last about 6 months each time which is a long time to b crazy when ur going through it. looking back i cant believe i fell for them each time because they were so ridiculous. i remember one of them, thinking that everyone in the world could hear my thoughts and were all against me. i even thought that people that i’d never met in my town could all hear my thoughts and wanted to kill me. everything i read in the papers was somehow linked to me. even on 600mgs of seroquel and 100mgs of depixol it persisted for months. i was a petrified zombie lol. i could hear all their voices, friends, family, shop keepers, people walking passed me in the street, psychiatrists, nurses, doctors…absolutely everyone i came into contact with. then when i was in hospital one of the other patients said to me…how likely is this to be true? and the whole thing just burst like a bubble and i was fine after that. thats all it took. just one sentence from a stranger. i still hear voices but i don’t believe i am telepathic anymore. it just doesn’t make sense logically to me…still…i wonder what the next delusion will b and whether it will floor me like the others. will i believe in it or will it just b an irritating train of thought. i think the latter. what about u?

A few of my delusions have lasted my entire life time. I have one that has sunk all the way into my heart, and deep down I still believe it, no matter how much proof there is to the contrary. It is one of two that have taken up my entire life and to this day, I still slip into them.

Other delusions will last a few weeks, some only month or two. Some were aided by hallucinations and others were aided by other symptoms. I’ve had the one where I was convinced I had become telepathic and could hear the thoughts of everyone in the whole town.

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yeah the telepathy one is not nice huh. my voices still try and convince me that i’m telepathic but i don’t believe in it anymore. just the logistics of one mind finding another is mind boggling so nah. it’s ■■■■■■■■ so far as i can see. glad ur over that one. xxx

I was thinking I was getting super powers for a while, telepathy and sonic hearing. I am glad to be over that one. Now that I know some of the truly horrid stuff from my voices are from inside my head and not what the neighbors think, I actually feel better.

yeah me too. it’s great knowing that u have ur mind to urself huh. i can finally take a ■■■■, shower, wank, or have sex knowing that nobody is listening. not that i wank or have sex but at least i have the choice now!

I had delusions of grandeur - empathy- talking to the dead - psychic powers - etc… for years. I didn’t know that I was deluded. My old psychiatrist gave me an AP - thy all went away. Some others still remain but they come and go, and because I am on an antipsychotic, I am pretty much aware of them.

i thought i had that too but it turns out my delusions were actually real. not the psychic stuff just the grandeur only it’s not in my favour. :frowning:

The last time i had delusions was over a year ago. First 3 days i was having symptoms of psychosis that i didn’t recognize, on the 4th day full blown delusions, my delusions and telepathy lasted about 5 days but suspiciousness that my neighbor may be recording me at my back yard lasted about 15 days, i even ordered bug detector, by the time the device arrived that suspiciousness was gone. I don’t know how long it will last without taking any meds.

Pretty cool question.

My delusions, like yourself, tend to last for months. Things don’t just leave me immediately.

I used to believe there were real people in America who could read my mind, and that the voices came from them. I believed they were going to have me arrested. I even went to the local police station to report it.

All of them have never fully gone away. Even with high doses of psych drugs

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