Delusion or denial

A celeb that committed suicide recently I went into total shock to the point I messaged him a couple of times only to now realise that he is in fact dead months ago kept thinking he was alive and I was gonna marry him and he knew of me only cos he messaged me once

I also like to think that celebs is aware of me. And sometimes when things gets weird I think there is a meaning behind it. I know it’s all make belief. Ive been better at tackling this issue lately because at the end of the day l know l will wake up with my lonely self.

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I have a partner who I tried to dump over a dead celeb


What did he tell you in his message?

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That was over a year ago but this was nothing I kept thinking he was alive through photos plus it didn’t seem he would

I think you’ve been alone too much time thus you idealized your potential future boyfriend. Guess what. Reality is always different…

When unmedicated I had erotomania. Its a delusion type that can happen in sz. I thought a spanish singer was in love with me. I followed her page on fb, instagram and liked all her photos thinking she would like me back. I think I even messaged her page but got no response. I thought that she’s waiting for me to be married and that it was God’s plan.

I dont have love delusions anymore on meds.

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It wasn’t even sexual though as I’m probably asexual

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But you right I did think it

I think celebrities hate me.

ah i’m asexual too. I can like people but i don’t feel the need for sex. So having a relationship is hard.

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