Delusion chat

I believe in voices too, and that they are not amused with the quality of my “show” and keep selling / giving away my “program”.

Voices are different from delusions. Voices can say all sorts of stuff and have all sorts of opinions. What’s important is to understand that they’re only in your mind and that what they say may not be true, though they can be right too

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My voices convinced me of my delusions they flat out told me that all monitors could be converted into cameras, that was the only reason I believed it. They also told me it was a delusion a few months later

I believe the government is probing my mind

@John_Raven that is a delusion

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Agreed govt probes or alien probes are a delusion


that’s a great idea for a thread!

like a game of some sort…

the presence of real and imaginary folk is almost indecypherably similar in the mind of someone who is under delusions of telepathy… and a lot of the real world responses actually do a lot to affirm that spooky sort of sense of connection to things.

The real origins of psychosis don’t stem from inside the mind alone… they stem from the insides of the mind that has an extensive subconscious awarenss of the world… and in that aspects of the world will always affirm the delusions of an individual… especially if they are left alone or otherwise removed from the presence of open-dialog therapy.

how did I do moon skipper?

I believe that the moon landing footage was faked.


Using telepathy to explain voices was one of my first ideas and I’m sure it is of many. It defiantly falls into the range of delusions.

If you leave a person with delusions alone it is possible for them to go away on their own. Having someone tell you it’s an illusion does help though.

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wachu think the cooks are going to start saying when we have a presence on mars?

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Then you missed the myth busters episode on that. Moon landing denial falls into the world of crack pot ideas… not a delusion


I didn’t say we didn’t land on the moon,

I believe the footage is bunk.

I think we couldn’t afford not to have a successful landing, which we did,

So they made up footage before the actual moon landing to ensure accomplishment.

You know, just as a safety, in case things went wrong.

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Know what on the dark side of the moon?

Image result for dark side of the moon picture

Close, Pink Floyd :smile:



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Alien bases


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