Guys, we have a new mod! Please welcome @anon9798425 to the moderator ranks.
Welcome @anon9798425 our new Toddler Mod
Are you serious?!?
Wow another Excellent choice!
Congratulations @anon9798425!
Congratulations @anon9798425!
Thank you for having faith in me, Wave!
I will do my best to be a positive influence on this forum as a mod.
cool. another new moderator.
congrats @anon9798425
while we are on the topic of moderators; Ninjastar, Rhubot, Moonbeam, Szadmin, Jayster, and other staff: thanks for voluntarily helping out. you’re all epic.
Great choice! Congratulations @anon9798425
Congrats on your new position
Be kind on me @ treebeard
Welcome aboard @anon9798425 . Two things: Is haroom a guys name or a female name? Also nice mandelbrot set you have there I wanted to say that one for months but it seemed weird to bring up.
I love @anon9798425 so excited that there is more mods…we need all of you so much !!
Haroom is Ent-speak, sorry! Treebeard is the name of an Ent in Lord of the Rings. It’s not Treebeard’s name, to the best of my knowledge.
Treebeard is a man, though, if that’s what you’d really like to know.
Ahaha! @SP2342. You probably made @anon9798425’s nerd glasses go all tingly with that compliment
I’m given to understand that this is debatable.
BTW, I’ve learned to loosen up and embrace gender fluidity. I’m currently identifying as an Apache Attack Helicopter. (I have decided that is an awesome gender.)
What? ??
@shutterbug here? ??
Happy New Year!
You been missed baby.
An Ent as a moderator? What’s this world coming to? I would rather have Gollum, lol.
Congrats @anon9798425 …!!!
Congrats, @anon9798425. What a wonderful moot this is.