Even though my job is not going so good, I actually had a good day there today. I was friendly and joking around with people while trying to do my job the best I can. I’m pretty sure that they are going to have to let me go soon but they are still trying to give me a chance.
They don’t seem to be too mad at me for my bad performance. They will get a little mad but they will not stay mad. I’ve learned a lot at this job over the course of my six years here. I’ve learned about life and human nature at this job. I learned a lot about myself too.
I’m ready for the next stage of my life. A new beginning is coming. It may be bad it may be good. It might be boring. I don’t know. I applied at Good Will two weeks ago. They saw my job application and my resume and they wanted to interview me but I asked them if they have any non-physical jobs there and they said no. So I cancelled the interview.
But it gave me a shot of confidence to walk into a business and fill out an application and get an interview. I’ haven’t looked for a job in 7 years
but I learned I can still do it. Anyway, yeah, I enjoyed myself today. I saw a lot of the good sides of people.
It’s great that you were able to work for so long. You have obviously done a lot of growing and gained
wisdom. Plus, you seem very sensitive towards other people’s feelings which is a big plus because
paranoia can often lead to feeling self-centered. Part of the trick of dealing with sz is becoming aware
of symptoms and emotions which has helped you work for so long and the people at your work seem
to accept and like you. I hope you continue to achieve success at your job or at a new one when you find it. The fact that you were offered an interview says a lot about your positive personality. People
like you give other sz people more optimism, too.
I’ve read your answer 5 or 6 times just to cheer me up and to give me some confidence, and also to feel better about myself. It’s worked tremendously in all three of those ways. Thank you very much. I’ll see you around,
Hey, I’m glad to be of support. Sz people like you who work fulltime need to be commended as I can only imagine the stress you’re under. It takes a lot of courage to do what you’re doing and you merit
more confidence.
Greg, I’ve worked full-time in the past at some jobs but currently I’m working part time.
Oh. Still that’s good as I haven’t worked part time for 25 years. What I was saying was you’re working with people who don’t have sz which is very difficult. Most sz people can’t work at all or very little. I
do some writing but only when I feel up to it.
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