Cymbalta users

I just started taking cymbalta. Last night was my first dose. Do you have any experience with it? Do you like it? Any problems?

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I like it. Besides helping with my depression it also helps with my chronic back pain.

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Oh that’s great. Chronic pain is why we chose this ad for me. I like meds that do double duty. How long would you say it took to start working on the pain and for the depression?

I don’t remember for sure, but I would say a matter of weeks for the depression, but probably less than that for the pain.

What dosage are you on?

20mg, she wanted to be conservative because I’ve had problems with ad’s in the past.

Yeah, that’s a low dose. My first dose was 30 mg, then the next day I was upped to 60 mg, which is the dose I still take. I was started on it in a hospital, though, so the dr could be more aggressive. Plus it takes large dose of AD’s for me, always has.

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I took Cymbalta many years ago and it made me agitated and more suicidal than I already was. It’s different for everybody, though. Hope it works out for you.

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I sometimes get suicidal with ad’s, so that’s one of the things I am actually worried about and watching for. The other thing is mania. But at such a low dose I doubt mania will be a problem.

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Yeah ADs tend to make me manic, too. I am on a really low dose of sertraline and taking Lamictal now to balance it out. Just watch your mood and keep in touch with your pdoc and you should be fine. Hope it works out for you.

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I am allergic to it. After 3 days I broke out into a full body rash that made me look like a lobster.

Made me sad because it really helped my pain.

My husband takes it and it helps his pain and moods.

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I’m sorry that you went through that but now I have that song rock lobster going through my head. I’m glad it works for you hubby. I’m hoping to get my back pain under control plus maybe some help for headaches would be nice if at all possible.

Rock lobster? Anything like Baby Shark?

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oh you gotta listen to it on you tube, you’ll see why its stuck in my head

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The B-52s! :slightly_smiling_face: