COVID Vaccine kicking my rear

I got vaccinated at 11 am today. I was feeling tired so I went to bed at 6 pm. I woke up at 10 pm shivering uncontrollably. I was under 5 quilts. I was shaking so bad I couldn’t make coffee. My cousin made some for me. I have a temp of 103. So far I’m having chills fever headache nausea delirium. It hasn’t gone to my lungs or my sinus’s.

I don’t even want to know what this would be like without getting vaccinated. I would have been a goner if this went to my lungs. I’ve been smoking for 30 years. High fever followed by a serious lung infection does not sound like fun.

My 80 year old grandmother got vaccinated and she didn’t get sick.


Damn, that sounds really rough. Do you know who manufactured the vaccine you received? Hope you’re feeling better soon!

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All I ended up with was a sore arm and a low mood for a day. Sorry to hear, is that a one and done vaccine or do you have to have a second injection?

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I just woke up it’s 9 am. I slept six hours and woke up soaked in sweat. I can’t walk straight my balance is off. My grandmother got the pfizer 2 dose vaccine. I got the 1 dose johnson and johnson.

I was going to come home and have a drink to celebrate. I’m glad I decided against it. I feel a lot better now then last night.\

I guess my step sister got sick too when she was vaccinated.


good to hear you feel better again.
sucks that you got so sick from the vaccine =/

I guess it depends on the person’s immune system.

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Man I had covid back in Sept 28, I hope its not as bad as covid. It was hell.

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It hit me quite hard too. I’m better now though. Give it just over a day and you might be better hopefully.

It’s the normal response of the immune system to the vaccination. This happens with all vaccinations. It’s not unique to the covid vaccination.

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So if that’s the normal response of the immune system and it happens with all vaccinations then why do some people don’t get any side effects?

Some people have stronger immune systems. And everyone is different.

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