I got vaccinated at 11 am today. I was feeling tired so I went to bed at 6 pm. I woke up at 10 pm shivering uncontrollably. I was under 5 quilts. I was shaking so bad I couldn’t make coffee. My cousin made some for me. I have a temp of 103. So far I’m having chills fever headache nausea delirium. It hasn’t gone to my lungs or my sinus’s.
I don’t even want to know what this would be like without getting vaccinated. I would have been a goner if this went to my lungs. I’ve been smoking for 30 years. High fever followed by a serious lung infection does not sound like fun.
My 80 year old grandmother got vaccinated and she didn’t get sick.
I just woke up it’s 9 am. I slept six hours and woke up soaked in sweat. I can’t walk straight my balance is off. My grandmother got the pfizer 2 dose vaccine. I got the 1 dose johnson and johnson.
I was going to come home and have a drink to celebrate. I’m glad I decided against it. I feel a lot better now then last night.\
I guess my step sister got sick too when she was vaccinated.