Could masturbation/pornography be a remedy for SZ?

SChizophrenia is caused by too sensitive dopamine receptors. Masturbation and porn desensitize dopamine receptors by making huge amounts of dopamine. So could masturbation alleviate SZ Symptoms?

One time I quit fapping for 7 days because I was worried that kids at school could “read my mind” to know that I masturbate, even though it’s hidden in my head, so they would think I’m a perv, tell the entire school and make everyone hate me. In that 7 days, I became much more isolated and repelled by talking to people. Even started to hear people call my name.

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In my experience no. All it does is provide a temporary escape. Porn is hilarious and all that, but I think it has had a more or less negative impact on my life.

It can make it worse if it’s an addiction or you feel guilty about it.

i love porn. You should see the japanese bisexual hentai I have on my favorites. LOL

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Someone else one hear said its funny how you think about the worst thing when you think people can read your mind. Masturbation is one of those things. I had delusion of thought broadcasting with complimentary hallucinations of telepathy. Masturbation just makes me feel dirty. I still do it though, I have a lot of free time spent by myself. Not really an addiction for me though it has been in the past. On the topic of hentai… crazy japs that can be some ridiculous stuff. Ive never looked into specifically bisexual hentai. Watched at lot of lesbian hentai though. Hah bisexuality is ridiculous. Orgies.

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I don’t think that porn or masturbation would be considered more helpful for someone with sz that it would be for anyone else. If anything it could be considered a little more harmful due to sz’s being susceptible to addiction.

Yes, masturbation and porn are a remedy for sz, and everything else for that matter, it is the answer to everything.

could probably wank yourself to death if you wanted to

(i wouldn’t recommend it)



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It seems whenever I try to quit my aggression goes through the roof and I feel like fighting everyone lol. I’ve used it as an escape compulsively and I think it has exhausted me though

I do notice my voices subside when I’m masturbating.

im surprised you could do that for me o felt no orgasm it was hadd but pointless on the meds. the schizophrenia i had a similar episode where the voices kept shaming me for masturbating because they were trying to “train me” and cia agents have to abstain from sex during the training. got really annoying too

It’s a recess from suffering. And by the way Estwald, I’m sure you know by now that 99% of guys do it. The figure I read for girls is around 70% but is probably actually higher than that.

I very much doubt it’s a remedy for psychosis/schizophrenia.