Cookies or biscuits, Chips or crisps, chips or 🍟 fries?

jim, they have pulled loads of sugary drinks from the menu now :frowning: i love my proper drinks lol i dont want diet haha

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I haven’t tasted the new formula iron bru yet

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its ok, but that bloody sugar tax is totally out of order :frowning:

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Yeah sucks big time.

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They tax y’alls sugar over there? Bloody animals!!!


they made all the cereal boxes look like ■■■■ haha and now loads of supermarkets make and sell their own labels instead of brands :frowning: i like choice

Over here they just tax all food I think. At least they used to tax all food. They may have changed that.

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Yeah they put a tax on sugary drinks to encourage the manufacturers to use less sugar if they wanted to sell at the normal price.

Cigarettes are heavily taxed here too.

Scotland is pretty bad for alcohol problems so they put a tax on the number of units of alcohol in a drink. So cheap, really strong cider doubled in price overnight

I can understand the alcohol tax but they shouldn’t tax sugar. I mean if people want to consume sugar and get diabetes that’s their business


will be a coffee tax next, then salt lol it ridiculous, they already tax it, they tax it twice :frowning:

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I think the sugar tax effected chocolate as well. So now all chocolate bars are the same price but like half as big

Dang and my dad wants to live in Scotland :black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Yeah is like a tax on top of a tax. You checked out dairy milk bars lately? They are tiny

I guess the government is combating obesity also.

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Yeah it was all driven by rises in childhood obesity

its a bit like communism, there will be no choice soon, we will all be eating the same and marching up and down the streets lol

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Lol. State issued tiny chocolate bars.

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apples of the soil

That’s kinda understandable. Childhood obesity is a problem here also. There was this campaign I think called Get Up and Move. Michelle Obama also went around promoting good health and exercise.

Am I right @anon92887483? You’re from the USA right?


soon they will be telling us what eat and stopping companies producing certain foods limiting our choice and its all driven by govt initiatives,

when a govt is telling you what to eat and drink and puting incentives in place then it is like communism

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