@tera I’m just gonna go grab myself a sanwich. Enjoy!!!
oh little one you are such a brat
at 32 I don’t consider myself little.
at 50 I get to call most anyone who I love “little one”
edit: you look fantastic for 32 btw
Oh @tera 50s still young and I think now people are having me on
It’s funny to think of it but these days 50 really is still young. When I was 30 I thought of 50 as nearing the end. Now it feels like just the beginning. I mean I still have a kid at home, I haven’t even started the “me” time yet. 50 is cool.
50 is a rocking age …
i tend to get on wth people above 50 better as i find that most are done with the clubbing scene… i hate clubbing
@anon80629714 I didn’t realize we are the same age!
1985 in the house!!!
I can only get my nerve up to dance in front of people if I’m drinking. I don’t mix alcohol with meds anymore because I have a bad reaction. Plus I just don’t handle my liquor well anyway, never have really tbh.
btw I’m sorry I called you little one, I only did because I’m fond of you. But I won’t do it again if you don’t like it. I call my daughter little one and she’s 18. She seems to like it. I always have pet names for people because half the time I have a problem recalling names.
It don’t bother me if you call me little one lol it makes me feel young lol. It doesn’t matter if you don’t drink it’s another reason we would get on. I do drink but I’m not really bothered by it.
I am very mature for 32. That’s why.
You also look like you’re twenty…
You tooooo oh please even my mum had the dr think she was 30 and she came home telling like everyone she encountered.
That’s hilarious.