My mom is ok now. She’s not suicidal. But she has psychosis. My dad is working on figuring out a solution. He’s thinking that she will need a long term commitment as in, we discussed how she could live on her grandmothers property and he could hire a caretaker, but I mentioned that its very isolated there and I didn’t think she could be alone like that. She already feels isolated at home, so I let her use the car sometimes because it helps her. She’s not supposed to be driving because she had a few instances of driving on someones property and yelling at them. That caused a state charge of trespassing, and now I’m also having legal problems. Even though I didn’t knowingly trespass my lawyer said the worst case would be a plea to a misdemeanor of trespassing you can see how upsetting this is to me.
I paid a fee of $145 for failure to yield soon enough after being pulled over for a fake reason: because I don’t remember flashing anyone with my headlights. He dropped that ticket, and also the failure to provide accurate insurance. My paper was outdated by a month and I had just gotten my dad to print out the current insurance that day, and hadn’t gotten it from him.
I drove to DC and almost got stuck because I ended up at the toll booth, with the same guy who was there last time, and didn’t have enough money to pay for my toll. I called my dad and he transferred money. My dad has reasonable justification for being stressed out and upset. I haven’t been as responsible as I could have been. I was with the wrong crowd of people and I was immature to be how I was.
After my ex-bf died of a heroin overdose, I was very emotional and upset. I couldn’t be around opiates. I threw away the rest of my mom’s painkillers and flushed them after she had them for awhile and I thought she had been over the pain from her oral surgery. I was talking to people on facebook. I think about him from time to time. I really cared about him. It feels selfish to say that I was trying to convince him not to continue, not to go out that morning. We fought about it. He waved a broom at me. But I thought pills were ok. My other friend died from opiates I think. So she died of pills. My boyfriend died from a fatal combination of heroin and fetenol or something else. I found out from his adopted sister when she told me the autopsy results. His body supposedly shut down within 5-8 minutes. I was with his son and we found him on the bathroom floor and I couldn’t get inside, but I pushed the door to see that he had fallen in front of it.
To see someone I love pulled away like that was just scary. I was in such shock that I seemed calmer than I was. But when confronted with that I just shut down. I’ve never witnessed an overdose before. But I left the house where a friend later overdosed, and I feel like I should have called the police or realized that she might have been overdosing then, to prevent them to continue feeding her drugs or for her to get help before it was too late. The man who said we broke into his house, and that my friend is being accused of robbing—is the one who is charged with first degree murder for either a. not taking her to the hospital after she OD’d or even was doing it on purpose so that she would die. That’s why he’s being charged with first degree. Even if it was an accidental overdose, he didn’t call the hospital or police. She could have been saved then, I’ve been told she was over eight hours dead when she was taken to the hospital.
It’s really scary. I met my boyfriend from a dating ad on craigslist. I had no idea about his problem, and I took it all for granted. He let me stay at his house but I had only dated or known him for about two months. I met his family. I went to Seneca rocks with him. He was really sweet, and then I broke up with him because I found needles in a drawer and I couldn’t support him knowing about his problem. I wanted to make a stand, and I wanted to help him. It didn’t seem like he had it bad when I left, but the two weeks I was gone he must’ve gone on a binge. And when I came back to talk to him, I spent the night. while I was asleep he used my phone and called all these numbers to get drugs. I had my phone taken for investigation for about three months.
But I didn’t have any of his connections saved in my phone to my knowledge other than the one he had saved that I didn’t know what he was friends with for at first. He had been giving him rides to the “hospital” because he was sick. I didn’t realize at the time what was going on and the day I found out was the same day I saw that this dude pull out a huge bag of heroin and start cutting lines out for all three of them. And now these people are afraid for their families. While I haven’t said much about what happened. I was only interviewed once. The police already knew where my boyfriend was going because they picked up my phone and looked at the last call he had made. I still don’t know where he went. I know that the main suspect had been ignoring him…so it’s possible that someone did it on purpose.
It could have even been an undercover cop that sold him the fatal substance.
It would make sense if they are trying to catch dealers, but that’s scary and sad.
I’ve never actually seen someone shoot up with a drug. I plan on never witnessing that. I can’t handle the idea of painkillers, even if I had pain I wouldn’t want them. I would want a holiistic medicine that isn’t addictive and doesn’t hurt people. But if weed was federally legalized, then no one would have to contend with a drug dealer to get something that isn’t just recreational but medicinal and has health benefits.
My dad and I apologized through text message earlier. I said I was sorry and he said he was too and that we would talk tomorrow. I feel bad but more-so worried about him because of how upset he was. I think he’s stressed out and worried about us so much it’s getting to his nerves. I mean my brother moved out, my mom has chronic schizophrenia, I was charged for a crime I didn’t commit or conspire to commit or even witness, and on top of that he’s got all these bills–to pay for a lawyer for my mom and that this lawyer took me on was really nice.
My dad had to pay $2,500 upfront for a $25,000 bond from jail. I didn’t even understand what was going on. I was isolated for over 12 hours in the drunk tank without knowing how long I would be there. I was kept against my will when they knowingly could have let me see the magistrate then admitted to not reading my papers which read state not federal charge. Why are they doing this to witnesses as to the house four days prior? I’m not an actual witness to the overdose or murder. I drove everyone home. I didn’t think she had overdosed. I never even saw her doing pills or drugs that night other than weed. I saw her smoke a joint that the guy had rolled for her.
I don’t know what to do. I want to start making people happy and being successful and I want a job and make my family proud. I lost a 19 year old friend and a 32 year old boyfriend to drugs. I loved both of them a lot. They were both caring and compassionate, but lost to bad influences.