Confessions of a time traveler

Forum mini game attempt…

Post the most humorous time traveler confession you can muster…

I was actually the bank in charge of calling in all loans on the stock market at the same time…right before the big crash…i mean i wasnt like the dude in charge… i was the actual building… because time travel was hard when i was a kid … but i still feel a little guilty for housing such a crappy event… badumboom…tsss

That got lengthy sorry…one more…

I went back once and told all the cowboys its bad luck to smile in a photo…


one time i traveled to Teutoberg forest about 5 hours or so north of the rhine and helped massacre legions of romans


I went back to the great fire of Rome to see if Nero actually fiddled while it burned. He was using a lyre, it was a gesture of mourning, of course he was universally hated so the story spread that he was celebrating.


@anon1571434 is pretty sharp on the whole time issue.


I traveled back in time to a local diner and switched the soup orders of two patrons…significance? I averted a tornado in Kansas.


I’d tell you what I’ve done, but I haven’t made it back yet… and I can’t risk my plot being spoiled.


thats clever… a little too clever…lol… if you invade another time are you technically an alien or…

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An person born of the earth will always be an earthling i’d say.

perhaps a foreigner or migrant… that’s how i’d play it.

I went back in time and made myself steve jobs’ father.

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I went back in time and made you steve jobs brother… whaa…lol

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oh yeah well I’ve now made you our brother too…

now all steve has to do is pull an Oedipus and we’re all on the same scale.

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Im not sure how we are both steve jobs dad and his brothers… but im pretty sure we messed up the timeline… and he is some kinda reanimated disembodied potato ghost donkey…

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yup that pretty much matches what it looks like to me

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They erected 5 great pyramids to bury me in but at the last minute they changed their minds and buried some slacker named King Butt or King Tut or King Nut or something like that in them.


The Big Bang only occurred because I gave it permission to.


I’ve travel to many time lines and places , but the worst one was when I appeared standing in Dinosaur poop…On the top os a hill…well you get the rest I was totally covered in poop a second later after fall into it…

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might as well fiddle can’t stop it.

Cleopatra: good in bed. Susan B. Anthony: Not so much.


I used to think that it was more like 2275 or something like that when I was ill and thought the scientists had the computer generated world the devil was being trapped in just thought that it was in the nineties…(when I was sick)

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“One step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. “Damn, now where did I put my ativan? These damn spacesuits need better pockets.”

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Well I’m gonna travel back in time to really alter history. I’m gonna make it Adam and Steve. Now you never existed. :slight_smile:


There. Now we exist again.