Confessions of a Nicotine Addict!

So today I finally cleaned out my medication bucket. It’s a crate where I keep my pills and I found out something interesting!

I finally threw out my Champix. It was 30 days and I’d given up at day 21. Not bad for a nicotine addict since the age of 14. A pack a day man from 16 onwards. Tried them all like patches which only made me smoke more. Funny!

When on champix I smoked two packs a day for the first two weeks but got to day 21 and just said fock it I’m not buying cigarettes anymore. That was 9 years ago!

It’s hard I know peeps. I’ve tried it all but sometimes if you really need it! Give it a decent go. And don’t go back on it if your off of them finally!


I dip way too much snuff. It’s an oral fixation. Started when I was 20. Could never get into cigs thankfully. But dipping is still bad. Kudos to you @rogueone for dumping the habit.

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I once was off nicotine for two months. My father bought me Tabex in Poland, it’s a medication against smoking. It worked, I still had some pills left, but then decided to throw them away. I guess two weeks later I got back into smoking. Bad decision to throw the pills away.

Now this christmas my father takes me to poland. Thinking of getting Tabex again and not throwing it away before I have used all of the pills. I already had nicotine patches for the second time, they’re just not working for me, and I had gums, but that’s not working either. The more I tried to quit the lesser I could last on a try to quit.

I just don’t understand why I lay the whole day in the bad when I quit smoking or not smoke at all, and stay up and go to the internet when I smoke and watch TV or play a game for some time. The time in the two months off smoking was the same time like before not smoking, I just lay in bed until and above it hurts.

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