Concerned for my grandmother

She repeatedly asks / says the same thing over and over. I don’t know what this could be. Lots of deaths have happened recently … so it must be hard on her.


my grandmother has some dementia but is sharp as a whip at word puzzles and crosswords i hear. i’m so glad i got to see her recently before she dies though she could live into her hundreds. i believe i am experiencing dementia but it won’t be diagnosed until i’m wandering the streets unawares. due to the schizoaffective i believe they call it cognitive decline.

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I’m sorry have you spoke to someone about it.

My gran used to have such sharp memory. It’s hard to see her like this. I don’t think she’d taking her meds properly.

no unfortunately. i think my mental health providers would freak out.

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it’s only the level of my mothers memory issues at 71 not my grandmothers that and the risperdal did a number on my memory recall immediately.

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It sounds like dementia. That’s hard to watch. I’m sorry @Milly

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If it is dementia that’s gonna be hard to come to terms with for everyone.

Yeah. That’s so true.

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It could indeed be the early stages of dementia. Maybe it’s worth discussing it with her GP.

Good luck!

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Just throwing another idea out there that isn’t dementia, have her get checked for a UTI. Urinary tract infections can cause confusion and dementia like symptoms. It can also make dementia symptoms worse. Just an idea to get her checked out, especially if the confusion came on all of a sudden.

As always, this isn’t medical advice, I’m not a doctor, and ultimately you should push to get her medical attention, especially if this is out of the ordinary.


She’s just given a sample and had blood tests done yesterday. Hopefully we get answers soon.


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