Coming off of Zoloft

Hey I’m worried I have to go off of Zoloft cold turkey it’s causing me to become really sick my blood pressure is down I’m dizzy to the point I have to grab something so I don’t fall down does anybody know a med that could replace it without triggering mania or mixed episodes my cardiologist is the one who told me I have to get off of it immediately

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I’m sorry to hear about your predicament. My pdoc always told me to immediately replace a certain drug class with the same drug class, if I have to switch.

So, based on that, is there a different antidepressant you can take and start titrating up on, as soon as you stop the Zoloft??

I’m sorry, that’s the only thing I can think of.


Yes, Cymbalta. I was having a really hard time with depression and no ads were helping but Zoloft and the Zoloft made me go manic I had to come off it immediately. after I tried a few others that didn’t work they finally tried me on Cymbalta and finally, finally , finally I got on the max dose and I’m doing pretty good with my depression. No mania. Also helps a lot with anxiety and pain.

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This is too complicated for the forum people to answer. If your cardiologist said that you need to be off it immediately then you should stop it. But you need an appointment with your pdoc so they know what’s going on and can hopefully prescribe you something different


Don’t go this way! Tell your doc that you are not tolerating it well. If need be go to ER. Abruptly stopping sertraline can backfire. SSRIs like Zoloft cause trouble if stopped cold turkey. Docs allow relatively swift taper off of other meds not SSRIs. SSRI discontinuation syndrome is real troublesome.

If it needs to discontinued one go keep your doc in loop.

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My blood pressure is low. My nurse told me to drink water.

I dont like being dizzy either.

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