Coming off invega and going on to latuda

I saw my psychiatrist today. He wants me to wean off my invega and start up latuda.

I’m starting this tomorrow.

I am nervous because I really like invega, it doesn’t give me horrible side effects. He said if latuda doesn’t work out I can go back to invega.

I have two weeks off work to be away from the bad environment and to get used to latuda.

He said things that happen, like yesterday, aren’t real and it is my mind playing tricks on me.

If you have tried it, how did you like latuda? I know @Turnip has recent experience with it and didn’t like it.


Good things I can say for Latuda are that I could still masturbate on it, still enjoy music, still have an imagination, etc. It didn’t rob me of anything like most meds do.

However it gave me hypomania and akathisia so it was a dud.

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Why would your doctor change your meds if the Invega is working and you like it? My son’s doctor is messing with his meds too and I am pissed!

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Thank you @Turnip I’m glad to hear you still had imagination on it, maybe it will help with bringing mine back a bit.

@ant930 The invega wasn’t really working because I had a meltdown and I’ve still been seeing lots of “hallucinations” on it.

I still really don’t want to change invega because not all the “hallucinations” are bad, they just started getting bad again this past couple of weeks.

I hope you can sort out something with your son’s medication. It must be frustrating for you.

My Mum has big hopes for latuda, she even likes the name. I start taking it tonight.

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Best of luck with the Latuda @anon84763962!

Hope that it works out for you


Thank you @Wave. How is your new medicine going? I think it was you who was going on to a new medicine recently? Sorry if I am wrong.

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I had to go up on the Risperdal a bit, and going back on Depakote soon

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Good luck with the depakote.

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Thanks turtle :slight_smile:

I just recently tried Latuda…

Restless legs while sleeping, nausea, pain in my groin. I had to go off of it. I’m back to 20mg of Abilify.

Not everyone reacts the same though, so good luck to you! :sunny:

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Thanks @Patrick, I start it tonight. I keep a diary so I will write down any side effect in that. My psychiatrist said if I don’t like it I can go back on invega.

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My brother’s on 90 mg of Latuda. It helps some with paranoia, but it gives him stiff muscles.

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Invega can cause man boobs osteoporosis and sexual dysfunction. I always felt like I was permanently damaging my body on risperdal.

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thanks @prnoidschiz and @cactustomato

The more positive you are about taking a medicine the more likely it is to agree with you. Latuda has akathisia but is one of the absolutely safest medicines out there as far as physical damage to your body

I agree about keeping positive. Fingers crossed this one works well!