So I have this song playing In My Mind. And I’m singing along. And I turn on the radio the same time. I’m singing. And the song is playing the same song at the same note that I am singing. My first thought was I am reading airwaves. When actually it is coincidence that this is happening. For a long time, I go on believing. The airwaves are producing thoughts in my head. So much as the idea and not occurred to me till I saw somebody with a tinfoil hat. When I find my question the guy. He said they are reading my mind. Which lead me to the paranoid, thought that they were using airwaves to control us. This is where I call it. A skip.
Pattern belief system. We’re chaos. And psychosis. Are mixed. If this occurs to you. Fear, not. For the truth always sets one free.
I get all these coincidences
When I am healthiest I say I am innocent and am doing no wrong. So I feel fine with myself. As long as I am not feeling wrong with myself or doing anything wrong with myself I continue on Joyfully saying this is my SZ. I could care less as I am fully enjoying myself and my reasoning. I do not feel violated and I am letting things be. As long as I am in full control of myself and my reasoning I enjoy the moment and look forward to enjoying my future moments.
I have all sorts of coincidence instances that make me question myself.
Its called synchronicity.
Songs playing on the radio is the most common type of coincidence for me. Some kind of coincidence with songs on the radio or Alexa seem to happen several times a year. It comes in different forms, maybe sometimes I’m thinking of a song and it will come on the radio or I go to my car with Apple Music playing a song and I turn on my car radio and that exact same song is playing. There’s a couple other variations. Whenever that happens the first thing I think of is this site and how many people would thing that is a sign or a glitch in the matrix or whatever. I always chalk it up to being a neat coincidence.
I had one yesterday or the day before. I was thinking about how the global birthrate is 49% women and 51% men on average. Then later that day I saw something about a vote in the US senate on the news. The vote was 51 against 49.
A bit weird, but these things happen.
I don’t think we see more coincidence we just notice them more.
I used to call them synchronicity and it felt quantum even.
It doesn’t help that a well respected psychologist termed the coin synchronicity. Carl jung.
Lol I meant, coined the term
I get freaked out with this. It got really bad until I thought every sound correspondent to my every thought and action. If anything at all happened at the same time I was doing something it messed me up
I was using twitter and asked a simple question then I got a message with the answer on my phone, not a message on twitter, it was weird
Lol that’s funny termed the coin
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