Hi, I received a diagnosis of cannabis-induced psychosis, and I can confirm that it is correct because suspending the use of the same I felt significant improvements, such as taking it, I fell back.
My case had a form of paranoid delirium, therefore associated to illusions, distortions of reality and perception. But I will not go into this, know that treatment with antipsychotics has favored the removal of these symptoms, defined positive symptoms, and about the big picture I was able to process much of the disorder and associated discomfort through a constant comparison and introspection .
The treatment lasted eight months, however, has had many negative consequences, including the side effects of antipsychotics, some symptoms created exclusively by drugs and not from the disorder, and especially the aggravation of the negative and cognitive symptoms. Negative symptoms such as apathy and social withdrawal were amplified by the drugs and therefore I decided to discontinue drug therapy with the disappointment of my psychiatrist.
In 8 months I have not noticed a single improvement in the perception, because I tend to misrepresent the experiences, I attribute a distorted and inadequate meaning, very complicated to make, but I mean this with illusions, and cognitive symptoms have not improved.
To date illusions occupy a very small part, the real obstacle is cognitive dysfunction, including handling and thinking difficulty (mind blank), difficulty of understanding and learning, concentration and attention.
These symptoms do not abandon me, and it’s very important for me to return to the quality of my previous life.
Every specialist I met has no theory to explain this, if not the result of psychosis, and then treated with antipsychotics, but ■■■■ them were just to aggravate my condition cognitive.
What can I do to restore my cognitive symptoms, I hope to enjoy the experience of someone here on the forum, thank you very much.