Cannabis and schizophrenia?

Need help from maybe a doctor surfing this site I’m a 23 year old male obviously I have schizo or I wouldn’t be here so for the past 3 months I’ve been using delta 8 and smoking weed while taking my invega sustenna once monthly shot I feel fine besides a few minor positive symptoms flaring up its pretty easy to ignore these thoughts and go about my day. I’m just worried I will end up in the hospital for months trying to recover again. I’ve decided to stop using cannabis all together. My question is will what I smoked already affect me negatively in a few weeks to the point where I’ll have a psychotic episode or is this the worst it gets? Thank you guys for taking the time to read this and I appreciate every answer left!


Welcome to the board.

It’s hard to say if it will get worse. I was smoking weed when I was getting schiz. I quit smoking because I was to paranoid to leave the house. My schiz kept getting worse over several months. I started hearing voices 6 months after I quit. I was a heavy smoker before. I was smoking an 8th a day.

If you have schiz Just stay away from the stuff. I got schiz 25 years ago. I’ve tried smoking a few times over the years and I just get extremely paranoid.

What is in your system will take a few weeks to get out of it, but other than restlessness and possibly trouble with sleeping it shouldn’t be too bad to come of cannabis. It is not like an opiate or a benzo.

The sooner that THC is not affecting you the better. It is not doing your sz any good and is lessening the effect of the APs.

It is more likely that psychosis will affect you if you continue to smoke than if you come off it.

Replacing the habit with positive actions like exercise, walking, reading, dancing etc is what you need to address as the boredom from the pleasure of cannabis may let you feel you are lacking,

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Welcome to the forum, and congratulations on giving up cannabis!

There are no doctors on this forum, unless they have SZ or similar symptoms, such as hearing voices.

From my own experience, giving up cannabis made my positive symptoms better, not worse. My psychosis went away and I felt less anxious. However, since I was using cannabis as a coping mechanism, I did find that other symptoms, such as my mood were affected. For me I found that I would have highs and lows in my mood, cycling up and down every few days. It took about two years for everything to flatten out.

In terms of symptoms improving or ‘flattening out’ I would say the first 33% happens in 2 weeks (psychosis), the next 33% in 2 months (anxiety), and the final 33% in 2 years (mood).

But of course, it could be different for you.

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Hey @dead_dead
I seem to become unwell a while after smoking weed. But everyone is different. And I also can’t handle the immediate high anynore either. I get pretty paranoid.

Yeah I used to smoke an eighth a day too that’s partially the reason I have schizo is from smoking weed man I just have loved the ■■■■ I’ve just lost touch with it.

Sleeping is also getting harder every day I’m not high. I had a panic attack three nights ago high and that’s what turned me on to throw away my bong in the firs place. Haven’t got a restful nights sleep since. I take 10 mg melatonin which I hear also alleviates symptoms. Today I found myself waking up every 20 minutes literally taking about 5 minutes to fall asleep and I only got about “5 hours of sleep” this must be a side affect or I’m just not used to going to bed sober

Actually just got back in the gym after 9 months I wasn’t on medication last year and so I thought it would be the perfect opportunity

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welcome to the forum @dead_dead

Thanks bro appreciate it



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