Cognitive decline

I’m rapidly declining…
I tend to make more spelling mistakes then usual.
Also repeat same story to people…
I blame solitude and neglect…


I have the same problem. It got worse after I was hospitalized in 2019, from a psychotic break. Meds don’t help, either. But most people know that my memory is bad, so they are forgiving.

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Thanks @Blossom :slightly_smiling_face:
Main problem which is concerning is that I live alone and then big “if”…
If I forget to lock the door, leave wallet in market…
Not nice prognosys…

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Yeah, I understand. It’s tough. I wish I had advice, but I can’t think of anything helpful. Just know that you’re not alone with such struggles.

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get a chain for your wallet that attaches to your clothes…first. second , make a list of “to do things” like check the locks on the doors, check the stove, stuff like that…


Wow @jukebox, I hope not that state yet :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah it’s difficult for me to hold conversations. I tend to just let other people talk. It is also getting harder and harder for me to focus. Kind of sucks. You come to accept it and make the most of things. Life goes on, you know?

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I was at market today, and cashier who doesn’t like me much was there…
I said “Please, I cant think,just wait till I figure out where goes mine and where neighbours stuff”
She was kind, and sorted it up… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Coming on this site made me realize my cognitive decline but it’s not like Alzheimer’s. In fact, for the first time in my life I’m memorizing music on my instruments, I just can’t read lately, but that comes and goes.

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I have the same problem. It really sucks!

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My cognitive issues tend to go in cycles. When I am well, cognition is okay. Its really bad when im sick.

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Make a checklist and use it everyday

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If you do maths, or learn a new language, or even a new skill, it forces the brain to regenerate.

I forget which is which with regards to white and gray matter.

All I know is the brain, an organ, must be exercised in order to maintain high cognition.

I myself never lose cognitive ability with or without psychoses/and/or meds because I enjoy daydreaming.

Daydreaming is intense thinking. I do Sci fi stuff in my head.

Then again I memorise things with ease. I’m a semi polyglott atm.

Maybe try to play checkers or chess online?

Good luck friend.


So far.So good. My weakest cognitive area. Hoping to stave off dementia for as long as possible.

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When I realized cognitive decline (it´s all about thinking fast and with clarity in my case. Or even wanting to think…) I decided to pursue music as a career. It´s something I can see myself still doing with 80 years old.

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Acetylcholine will help

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