Coffee thoughts

When I drink coffee for hours on end I like the boost in energy. But I have to pee all the time.

What happens when you guys sit around and drink coffee all day? I know some members say it screws with them badly.

Anyone use caffeinated drinks all day long with positive outcomes?

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Formerly, I drank twenty cups of coffee day. I had to piss a lot. Is that really such a big deal?


Caffeine pills won’t make you pee and will give you the caffeine.

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20 cups a day is insane. I used to drink about 8 cups a day to counter Seroquel sedation. I did have to go pee a lot. But I still dosed off driving all the time. Maybe I could have drank more.

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Lol, me too. I drink a lot of coffee and tea throughout the day and pee a lot.

I want to cut down because I still have to pee a lot into the evening and night. I wake up several times a night to pee which isn’t good because I have trouble sleeping. Problem is I enjoy it.

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This is precisely why I don’t do it every day.

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