Warzone Rumble over 100 players teamdeath match is much fun omg love it. Whos COD fan here. Cant wait for COD Cold War.
There is a cod thread, if you ever want to play with any of us we game every so often. I like rumble I played it a few weeks ago it’s insanity and fun.
We pre-ordered. My husband has been getting codes from doritos for it.
its been a while played mod warfare, it change so much new maps omg its so good, cant believe cod black cold war is coming out, i dont think its going be good as modern warfare though.
I got preorder, you reminded it might be sold out when it comes out.
Yep. My husband almost always preorders games he wants. We get digital downloads, so it wouldn’t be sold out.
good idea, im going a disc copy because it will like 5 hours to download the game.
whats your gamertag man, do you have xbox live.
I’ll get it when I log in later or tomorrow, I’m on pc but there is cross play.
Hey yes join us in the cod thread to play but currently there is a bug that kicks players out of the party:
sure whats your gamertag man
just bought some new weapon attachments so sick.
Its Zizo007#4417387, I play on PC.
im playing on team death match, how do we hook up, are you on, do you want to play tdm.
We can play but I prefer playing before 4pm here.
Go to Add friends and select Battle.net. Enter my username and click send invite.
you dont want play, okay i’ll add you let know if you want to play okay.
Its fine we can play my parents are busy anyway now but sometimes I sit and talk with them after 4pm.
okay send me friend request i dont how do it im a noob lol if you dont want to play its okay. will play tommorrow morning let me know
What’s your username with the numbers? You on Xbox?
nm i i got it. i found it