Hi, I want my account deleted. I’ll return in two weeks to confirm this again.
Ok, we can do that. Sorry to see you go.
Awwww…Cloudy…hate to see you go…hope you change your mind.
I feel weird when people leave, I find it hard to know what to say… I’m sad and want them to stay, but I don’t want to make them feel guilty about leaving, because life is hard. I’ll miss you Cloudy.
Sorry to see you go. Reconsider?
yea i’m sorry too to see you go =(
Good luck @anon40973946
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I probably should say why I’m leaving. It’s not because of anything offensive. Everyone’s here has been great. It’s just that the site is becoming a huge distraction for me. I think about it too much when I’m doing other things. I check it too much for new messages. I’m worried it’s just another way for me to not deal with the offline world. It’s hard with covid to get out there and do things with real people, so maybe I should stay until covid dies down, because this is socilalization, but it could take years for everything to re-open, and in the meantime I’m talking too much. I’m worried that I’ve talked about too many private things. I think hard over the two weeks.
Well, I’m glad your at least considering staying for awhile Cloudy .
You can cut back on your postings if you wish.
I’m glad you are considering staying @anon40973946
But I can’t stop myself, or cut back. I’m totally addicted.
I’m addicted too @anon40973946
But that’s not a bad thing.
I still get things done irl.
My therapist thinks it’s a good idea that I’m socializing on here.
Would you like a temporary suspension? Some folks do that if they need time to focus on the real world.
Sorry to see you go @anon40973946 I’ve enjoyed reading your posts.
Sorry to see you go coz you’re pretty awesome! But I understand your reasoning. Hopefully you’ll come back when you’re ready or circumstances change. Best wishes.
It is possible to get a software tool where you can block websites of your choosing for a time you choose. The freeware version has the option to block a site with a timer. If you buy the whole thing you can arrange times in a weekly schedule. You could test the freeware version at any rate. I think it would relieve you if you could block the site for a while if it gets too overwhelming.
I too have had periods where I think that this becomes too much, but then I take a break and I feel okay to come back.
Cold Turkey - The Toughest Website Blocker on the Internet (getcoldturkey.com)
I don’t think that would help. I’d still be stuck with the out of control surfing as soon as I got back on this site.
Now, that might be a feasible solution. Thanks for suggesting it!
I think it still helps you even if you are addicted. It might be worse if you don’t get on here at all. I’m not positve, but I am just trying to help.
Except it doesen’t work on mobile devices…great for me though, because I don’t have smartphone. I think you can find something similar for mobile devices, but I don’t think there is anything you can lock, but you could give the password to a friend or family or something.
Spinbrowser is a pretty good option for mobile devices.