Cleaning thread

I was able to clean the top of my coffee table today!! ^w^

I haven’t cleaned in a very long time, But I was able to take everything off of the table top and sort and organize everything that was on it!!

There’s still some stuff that I’m trying to figure out what to do with but over all I’m happy with what I was able to accomplish

I still have a lot more to do and it’s very daunting but I feel like breaking it into smaller steps is helping a lot.

Do any of y’all have any tips or methods on how to clean things/ keep things clean?? Also feel free to share your cleaning accomplishments!! :grin:


I have dust bunnies under my bed I know they’re there but I don’t do anything I just let them sit there


I like to create a chore/reward system for myself. For example i will clean the kitchen and then once its done i can have that coffee or have a nice shower and start reading a good book or whetaver takes your fancy. Basically putting what you actually want to do off, until youve done what needs to be done.

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I did the dishes in the cabin before we left and I hate doing the dishes. Quite a feat!


Oooh that’s a smart idea I’ll definitely try that!!

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I posted something recently. Will up it. Marians housekeeping project or so. People gave me a few useful tips! Perhaps they help you. I struggle with this.

For me personally, because I need to do so much now, my social worker will help me clean the house fully the next weeks. So I can start over. It is overwhelming if you have so much to do. If it is clean again, it is easier to keep it clean. I think I will always need someone to help me with it.

Taking real good care of myself in other ways (sleep/food/etc) helps me. It lessens the ADHD-ish symptoms. And increases energy.

Breaking it down into extremely tiny bits somehow helps. We talked about a few options in the other thread to break it down. Cleaning is overwhelming for me. It is sensorily unpleasant. And sometimes triggers PTSD. No clue why. I need to do it in tiny bits, then reward myself and relax, then a tiny bit.

Inviting someone helps. I am embarassed to show them the mess, so clean up a bit. I would also make a deal with my social worker. E.g. I will clean the hallway upstairs before tuesday. Tuesday you can see it. I’m embarassed for it to be a mess, so I clean.

Kid being here often helps me as well. I clean the rooms that he comes into well enough for him not to be uncomfortable.

That’s what helps me a bit. It is still a mess though. So :woman_shrugging:

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Thank you for replying I relate to quite a bit of it!! Good luck getting things cleaned!!

I relate heavily to the sensory issues I found wearing gloves helps with that a bit. It’s still unpleasant but it helps me a little.

I also relate to the PTSD part a bit. Sometimes when I’m going through stuff I’ll run into something that reminds me of the past and it messes with my head. It’s really hard.

I believe in both of us though we’ll get things clean!!

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