Cleaned the house today

It looks good…i hate folding clothes…i was wondering what household chore you would rather rip out an eyeball than do?..i hope i used the right than …


You used the right “than”!

I hate throwing things away. So, sorting, spring cleaning, I guess. I’m not a hoarder, don’t bring a lot of things in, but I hold on to things too long. I hate feeling like something’s being wasted.

Please come clean mine.

I don’t like any of the chores.

I don’t like hanging laundry or folding and putting away clothes.


I am nervous ironing shirts. I always have fears that the hot iron will drop and hit my body.


I used to hate cleaning the inside of the oven when I lived by myself in a studio for several years. Hated it. I hated having to get on my knees and stick my head inside to spray oven cleaner on the sides, the back, and the roof of the oven. And I hated having to breath in all the poisonous fumes of the oven cleaner. Then it had to sit overnight to let the cleaner work the best. Then the worst part was sticking my head in again to scrub all the surfaces and then wipe up all the crusty junk that came off.

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I can’t stand chores… but I force myself to help my mom out. as for my room, I don’t care at all…

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I don’t like doing the dishes. I still do it to make my girlfriend happy. that motivates me.

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I hate washing the floor.

I wash the dishes, vaccum and mop the floor regularly. I dont like folding clothes also. I dont buy clothes that need ironing. I dont like to clean the dust off of furniture too. I like throwing things away

I hate everything, but especially folding clothes. I just can’t sit still and stay focused on that.

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