Classes offered are unfortunate

Tomorrow is the day I can register for classes. The ones available are crappy. Three of them make you give a presentation to the class. I can’t do that. I was shaking like a leaf when I read the soliloquy for my class here. One class starts at 6:30 pm and ends at 9:20 pm. WTF!?!

There’s also an evil professor whose classes I refuse to take. I don’t like modern art anyway.

Are you from Portugal or Louisiana? I always get you confused with another poster.



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Are you starting spring semester or what? Sorry you’re having a difficult time finding classes. I have a relatively easy time. There is so many classes I wanna take at my school I can only take 1! What’s your intended field of study?

I start in the spring. I’m studying Art History. I have only 15 hours to go.

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Oh gotchya! I read you “don’t like modern art” and figured you were new to school since…never mind it’s hard to explain. But I feel the ones with the presentation can be good…get you out your comfort zone! You know??? That could be good to push yourself past your limits sometimes.

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Hahahahaha! I won’t have school do that to me. I’m pushed around by my family. The girl child that my parents adopted has been a b!tch to me. Even my colleged aged brother agrees (he called her that first). She is 11 years old. I don’t like her. I don’t have to deal with ■■■■ like that in school. I’m not a masochist.

I didn’t get to this point by torturing myself… SZ has done that enough.

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I took a lot of those long classes that ended at 9:15 in college. I preferred them sometimes because we would only have them only once a week and I feel better at night verses in the morning. Also depending on the teacher we would get out early most the time.

As far as presentations goes, I made it clear to my teachers that I just couldn’t do that so I would ask to make a video of the presentation and email it to my teacher and just not present anything. They also knew I had a disability so they’d be more understanding with me. I had to this all throughout college. Good luck with registering :slight_smile:


Maybe it’s easy to say for me cuz I’m a shy/extroverted attention seeker. Meaning I’m quiet until all eyes are on me then I become a social butterfly and love the attention I get from things like presentations. Presentation is my forte. What do you think you’re going to do if you can’t find a class? At my school if you have a disability they can make accommodations I.e. Skipping the presenting part of it all. But then again my school is uber liberal , progressive and accommodating

I’m in a deep red state. Our previous governor decimated our state colleges. His base is the uneducated crackers who abound here. I’m glad he’s gone, but the damage is done. Tuition is about to go sky high here.

I dislike most modern art too, but taking a class in modern art might broaden your horizons to new things, which is always good. And being critic of modern art is good too, but like they say you need to know stuff to be able to have an opinion. Think about it…



Best of luck with whatever decision you make! :sunny:


things you can do with an art history degree:

have your own program on public radio on the arts

be a curator in museum

write bios on famous artists

have your own column in an arts magazine or website

teach classes in community colleges

(anyway, keep going, you’re almost done!)


are you talking about contemporary,


modern art?

cuz modernism, despite all the anti-Semitism at the time,
is one of my favorite times in history.

I was talking about contemporary, I like modernism too.

You could also go on with your background and get a degree in Art Therapy. That’s what my mom wants to do eventually.

One of my classes ended at 11pm every semester for 2 years. It was tough the 1st 2x but it got easier as time went on. The hardest part was getting home and winding down for sleep.


Kids can be really terrible, and then they learn how to be even more annoying from the kids at school…