Do u ever get that? Like on stressful days, Ill have around 5 throughout the day but then at night this horrible headache thats almost worst then a migraine strikes and theres nothing i can do but drink caffeine to help ease tension. I know i get the headache because cigs constrict blood vessels. I just don’t get how people that smoke half a pack of day do it without getting the horrible headache.
How do you know it’s caused by cigarettes?
Cause it only happens after a day of more then 2 cigs. If i have one at nighttime im ok but if i have them periodically throughout the day i always get one at night. Maybe its just me idk
Might be a blessing in disguise then!
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My body is kinda weird like that. It knows when im ■■■■■■■ with it. I think my body is self aware lol
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I smoke a lot and don’t get headaches. I drink a lot of caffeinated soda pop and when I quit that I had a constant headache for three or four days.
I used to have headaches All the time. After I quit smoking - almost never. Marlboros in particular cause me to have headaches.