Children’s book recommendations

Anybody have recommendations on baby books or books for toddlers?

Thank you in advance

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Goodnight Moon

The Hungry Caterpillar

The Rainbow Fish

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Everybody Poops

…Happy reading! :sunny:


I recommend a for babies a book titled

Love You Forever

It has a passage that goes, “as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.”

As an adult it’s very touching to remember being tucked in.


Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter books are pretty awesome. I think I had 1000. You just get like 10 and start reading while they get sleepy.

My favorite story is The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss. I read the story so frequently I had the entire book memorized at one point. It was good because if we traveled and didn’t have books I could still tell a story they knew to go along with the stories I would make up.

But their favorite stories were the ones I made up about Bilboa Baggins the Hobbit and all his adventures. They loved it because I would sit in the dark with them and drone on for a long time.

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Guess how much I love you.

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That book always makes me cry.

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Yes I love the Little Critters books!
I definitely plan on getting some of those🙂


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There’s a whole range of touchy feely books called “that’s not my …”. Toddlers love them.

Here’s one of them

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