Well, my family finally coerced me into getting chickens again. I got 4 australorp (shiny and black) and 2 red leghorns ( big and red). I also got 2 ducks, a white Pekin and a Blue Roen. The Roen will look like a really big wild mallard (green headed ducks).
We bought a coop, too. My town allows chickens and my neighbors have some. I figure we dealwith their rooster so they can deal with quacking.
I am happy and annoyed. I love chickens, but they are a lot of work. Oh boy.
We had a flock before moving from the country to town. I didn’t know when we moved we could have them here so I gave them all to a friend with land and a pond.
We had a huge rooster. We called him Hater because he hated everything that wasn’t us or his girls. We had nothing in the yard, no birds, crows, he even ran off ravens.