Check out the new blanket I got


Looks nice! I love getting new blankets. :heart:


That blanket looks like a quilt.


It’s beautiful. Where did you get it?


Makes me miss the quilt I had as a kid that was given to me by my Papa. His great grandmother made it, she died at 103 years old when I was in 3rd grade, over the years as I moved a lot as a kid, it became very deteriorated and eventually we were unable to fix it. Papa tried to hand repair it as it was a hand sewn quilt, but by 1995 it just was unable to be saved. But he was glad I had it as long as I did, as she had made it so the first grandchild in the new generation got it from the previous, so if it had survived Kalick would have got it in 2003. I still have a Conferderate 50 dollar bill that she left to me, nowhere near collector’s condition, but I still have it.

My boys never kept their baby blankets that I made, we gave them away to Head Start when they outgrew them. But Raina was given a hand cross stitched baby quilt from Head Start when she was 1, the nursing home near Head Start picked a baby born and worked on the quilt until their first birthday, so since we were rural Head Start the teacher came to our house once a week from birth to age 5, and she has never let that quilt go she turned 13 on Dec 8th, lol. Still sleeps with it when she sleeps in her own bed, but she steals my blanket from me in the middle of the night now, lol.

We’re going to Goodwill in Madison tomorrow, maybe I’ll find an old quilt there, I think that’d be warmer than the plush blankets I sleep with now.


It was in the Christmas hamper I got yesterday

Nice looking blanket!

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Needs more cat hair to get broken in properly.



I love quilts. I’ve gathered a lot of scrap fabric to make one, but I haven’t taken the time to actually make it.
Some of the things in your pic looks like some of the scraps I have, funny enough

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I just love the different colors and patterns in your quilt


love paisley 223223


Looks like you made it tell me were you self taught.

No offense, it looks OK, but it looks like a stoned hippie on three hits of acid made it.

Confederate bills don’t have to be in great shape to trade for $50 or more.

I’ll keep that in mind for emergencies, but I think holding on to it means more to me. It’s weird, I feel loyal to my Papa’s family line, the Ainger and Clapper line, but my grandma’s side, the Schuett and Pabst, well, I have nothing of their side and it doesn’t bother me. My mom is caught with herself, cause Grama was evil when she wanted to be, but it’s been since 2013 since Grama died, and she has finally began to miss her and forgive her. I, am not forgiving, and have decided that the woman I thought was like my best friend, used me because her husband may have possibly shown me more love than her when I ended up with RSD at age 11.

It’s goooorgeous!:slightly_smiling_face::two_hearts:

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