I used to love my drugs and alcohol but I love my sobriety more. It’s not impossible to get clean.
That is awesome. Good for you.
Wow, that’s a huge amount of time. That’s an inspiration for sure. Congratulations .
Very impressive Nick! Amazing job!
It’s good to know it can be done. You give me some hope.
What’re your plans for today?
That’s a very long time. On 32 years more. Cheers!
My man. So awesome.
I’m doing them. Got up early and hit Walgreens and got some cheap Diet Coke and now I’m at the park ready to take a walk.
Solid way to spend the day sober and healthy.
Good job dude. We may not be talking now, had you gone a different path.
We’re glad to have you here. Some sage advice, and a quick joke are always appreciated!
Well Done mate. Ive only been dry for a matter of months. Maybe one day i will have the same bragging rights
Congratulations! You’ve been sober longer than I’ve been alive!
Congratulations @77nick77 You are a positive role model and give others motivation and hope.
Hugs your doing so well
Wow, congrats @77nick77!!! That’s awesome!
You da man…
Congrats @77nick77 that’s fantastic !
Congratulations @77nick77 ! That’s quite an accomplishment! 32 years is a long time!
Well done matey. It’s not easy letting go of the substances but it’s so worth it in the long run. Your an inspriation to others for sure.
Congratulations! I’m happy for you.
Congratulations! How inspiring!