Car accident update

My Dr thinks my accident may be causing my seizures, but said functional neurological disorder makes sense given the timeline of symptoms. I go in to see a neurologist to rule out epilepsy in November. And then we can see if it is truly accident related


I posted I was getting catatonia. The psychiatrists I’ve seen have ruled that out, so now we think seizures. I haven’t had any since I told people to video record the next one. Which is good, but makes t more challenging to diagnose at this point


I’ve regained mobility and cognitive function so I think we can rule out stroke at this point as well. But I’m not a Dr.


Good luck @Moon
I’m glad you are on top of things


I talked with my best friends mother in law. She’s a nurse and has been for over 40 years or something like that by now. She said I am lucky to even be alive and that everything ive had happen since the accident may be related to trauma in some form.

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How long ago was the accident?

March 22 2024. 15 characters

Hope it gets better… Just be kind to yourself…when u can. Life is unfair and we have to find the good …everyday I guess

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I am glad you’ll be seeing a neurologist eventually. Good luck!

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