2+2=4. The man loved math.
Jason’s Abilify had him overreacting to news regarding the toilet paper industry.(?)
Er…tonsil selfies?
“Is that my naked wife on Facebook?!”
Public phone boxes exist !?! You mean I don’t have to carry this thing around all the time and put up with expensive charges?
wtf…is this my real sz lookk…
How dare he say such things! I am not yellow, I am not short, I am not good at math, and I do not have a tiny… um… nothing is tiny about me!
‘my god. my boss just sexted me’
is that my boss and my wife?
It makes a sound!
I look fat in this picture!
my friend just tagged me in a Jesus picture
NOOO!!! I forgot to feed my virtual pet!!! Fifi is DEAD!!!
LOL. I had one of those things called Zazoo or something when I was a kid.
Someone text me, wait it for cho wang my gerfwend. Whataha… it a giant hairy eggroll.
Bananas are on sale!!!
News of bruce errr caitlyn transformation(with pictures)
He just realized he was still using a blackberry
(post invalid)