Can't sleep + cat ate a bug

I feel wired. I had some coffee at 8 pm and now at almost 4 am I can not sleep =(
My cat appeared to kill and eat something that I could not figure out. I had left the door open for like 2 minutes and maybe a fly came in I guess. Now more reason to let her lick my nose in the mornings.

Urghhhh My cold is almost gone though… My ears are plugged.

What are you up to ?

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Bad, bad move :slight_smile:
Good thing your cold is getting better.

It’s 10:30 am here in Romania, I’m browsing this forum and listening to a classical music radio channel. Later on I will read from a science book by Isaac Asimov and maybe take a walk outside. It’s lazy Sunday as usual :slight_smile:

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yeah I almost hesitated but it was very good coffee :joy:

I don’t wanna make more now as I might sleep a few hours in the morning the least. :o)
I had so many things planned for sunday. Now not sure

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At least you’re making plans. I’m quite bad in that respect. I go with the flow :slight_smile:

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cool. yeah I plan things :smiley:

hello @MissMermaid I am up having fun doing jigsaw puzzles. I can’t get enough of it…sorry you can’t sleep.

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