Cannabis use can lead to relapse in psychosis, partially because patients stop taking medication


It’s a lot to read, but there are some people that self medicate with the stuff.

I think they should have done some work on reasons for non compliance for users and if they were using it instead of a Ap.

Then evaluate it vs a group on a known Ap.

But that is probably another study…

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Off meds and smoking pot. What could possibly go wrong?


Seems like there is always an agenda behind every study. In the case of cannabis, which is highly politicized, there is always a pro- or contra- bias, which prevents research teams to embrace a more complex hypothesis.

What you are proposing should have been done directly to get some real answers instead of waiting for a nonexistent second study.

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Maybe nothing (I doubt it) for a small subset of those who are ill. Who knows. That’s why studies should always be a variation of “case-controlled”.

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There is also agenda on this board to post only anti cannabis studies so don’t get that all muddled into your conclusions.

I guess this kind of thread will always attract those hell bent on criticising the research in order to justify their cannabis usage .(Sarcasm on) Of course these people have no agenda(Sarcasm off).


No need to justify, when something in ones private life has zero impact on anything in the world besides how many bags of Pringles one purchases, there’s really no need to justify :wink:

I understand this is, but certain posters seem to be pissed off about libertarian policy which is policy that is based on liberty and freedom and has no impact on the individual other than the one being restricted from that freedom. Don’t know why people get sooooo God dang mad about what other people choose to do in their private lives. If there are consequences that person will have to deal with them, and should get the upmost support rather than being stigmatized more than a schizophrenic person for their past mistakes if it comes to that.

You don’t like people who stigmatize you for sz, yet you stigmatize people with drug use pretty severely.

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It’s pretty obvious cannabis causes schizophrenia in a lot of individuals.
I stopped smoking it a while ago, but I do get cravings when I stop antipsychotics.
About a few days of stopping antipsychotics I get an urge to get high off pot. It’s like a viscous circle of cannabis addiction.

What can be done about this?

I would really like to give up cannabis but these cravings do come and go.

I think cannabis did cause my schizophrenia, but I wish antipsychotics didn’t make me feel like getting high.

Where the hell is there any ‘stigmatising’ going on ? Or is it your belief that any research into psychosis and causation is ultimately stigmatising?


Who me?

@Jonnybegood not you.

Cannabis addiction isn’t easy. When something doesn’t physically damage you noticeably at all and it feels so blissful it is difficult to kick. For me, it is the most psychologically addicting drug just because all it does is make me tired and hungry. I’m trying to quit as well at least for a month to see how it goes. It doesn’t cause sz for me cuz of the meds I’m on (mainly naltrexone and abilify) but it messes with my rhythm and my diet. I haven’t been smoking so much since I was 20 years old. Today’s day 1 without it. I will never be convinced it’s bad for society or as a whole but as an addict it’s the “least bad drug, but still messes with you”. You just cannot buy it. You need other hobbies. You need to embrace the sharpness you will attain without it. Make a list of positives and negatives. I just amsick of repetition with cannabis. I do the same things. Smoke walk eat. Smoke walk eat. Sick of it. I’m there with ya man I’ve quit it before for years but now have gone back cuz the first few times I smoked it gave me energy. And creativity. Then just sucked the life out of me.

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You don’t offer any support to marijuana users…I’m not saying to stop posting repetitive articles on why weed is bad cuz some ppl need to know it…but if you’re gonna post on the subject offer some support rather than just some article demonizing the use of marijuana. That is not helpful and yes is a form of stigma. Because you select to criticize marijuana users often “THEYRE JUST ADDICTS IN DENIAL”. I’ve heard you say In layman term at least 50 times. Never once have I see u offer real support with all this cannabis knowledge u seem to have. It’s counterproductive actually. Makes people wanna smoke a blunt probably.

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Many years ago some friends and I went to a party. We had a designated driver. We didn’t know he had been toking up. We hit a power pole on the way home because he was high and went off the road. Everyone in the car that night was seriously injured EXCEPT for the driver.

Weed can be very harmful in all kinds of ways, just like booze.

@Jonnybegood Posting about cannabis and its effects is offering support in that it gives people the knowledge to make educated choices. Or are you one of those against knowledge as a vehicle to help and inform people? Both being part and parcel of support.

It is not stigmatising to post on the effects of cannabis. In fact it’s bordering on trolling to suggest that it is.

As I rightly said,this kind of thread will always attract those who seek to justify their cannabis use. Crying wolf over being stigmatised is part of the game to those kind of people.

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Weed and vehicles have no place together that is a given imo for both sides of the arguments

Yet you keep talking down on cannabis users?!!

Seriously man, if you’ve never been a cannabis user then stop acting like you know what it’s like. I know you’re a very impersonal person but if you’re gonna post the articles don’t complain about the responses you get. Offer support. Don’t say “oh you’re just a dirty addict trying to justify your use!!!” For the 585344643th time. Say something like “have you tried AA/na?” “Do you think you need rehab?” Rather than what you say is very hurtful but I almost think you want it that way??? Don’t post if you can’t offer the utmost support and sympathy in a conflict of interest. I can tell u, my decision to smoke is not impacted by your posts, but if anything telling someone they’re in denial and justifying their use, when they’re not an addict themselves, would cause a lot of people to try to “prove you wrong” which is bad.

Whatever man, you don’t help. Keep telling yourself you help. One day maybe u will realize what helping is. And calling someone in denial and justifying their use is not helpful to hear from a non addict. It’s just not.

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Given the personal attacks I have asked for this thread to be closed.

FYI, we have a fellow here locally trying to start a medical grow facility for marijuana. I’m one of its supporters. I have no problem with it being prescribed by doctors for those cases where it is a valid treatment. I’m also liking the idea of more high paying jobs locally, this is win-win.

I’m also excited by the idea of CBD as a treatment. If they come out with a working CBD treatment with zero TCH that is affordable, yay. I’m not too proud to add that tool to my bag-o-tricks.

What I don’t get are people who are on head meds and who smoke weed, which is absolutely contraindicated. If you’re on APs, you shouldn’t be using recreational drugs, period. That includes weed and booze. You shouldn’t mix anything with a head med that isn’t supposed to be.

I made myself seriously ill a few weeks back by taking a large dose of Allermax with my Rexulti. Thought I had finally developed TD – turns out the two don’t play nicely together. Drug interactions are a thing to be avoided. If you’re lucky, one just eliminates the action of the other.

Anyhow, don’t take my word for it. Go read the family side of the forum and see what kind of recovery comes from people with SZ using weed. Not pretty.