Can you guys offer your unbiased/objective opinion on this?

I paid my music distro $12.50 for a crowd review consisting of 25 rap music fans to review a song of mine. They basically either gave it 1 or 2 out of 10 stars or 7-10 out of 10 stars. Anyway, I averaged a 5.1/10…But no one rated it that. They either HATED it or thought it was pretty good, a couple said it was radio ready (which is bs imho, i have a long way to go). Anyway, would I be right to think that I should trust the half that hated it? Or is my music really just a love it or hate it thing?

On soundcloud I never could get a following. I personally think I suck ass and should move on to a different hobby.

Just recorded this one if you haven’t heard my raps, what would you say? Be honest, don’t be mean, but you can totally tell me its crap music. Thanks guys, would really appreciate objective and honest insight into this.

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I dont listen to rap so you might not trust my opinion, but I think your stuff is good.

I also think that even if everyone else in the world hated it, it would be worth continuing simply because it makes YOU happy. It doesnt matter if your music is famous or popular. It helps you feel better and thats enough.


I also think its radio ready.:+1:
Not as good as popular rappers videos but definitively good enough for radio.

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That’s very true. Anything art has to be for you first and foremost. I appreciate you saying it’s good though. I definitely do it for me, it is therapy. Anyway, that was a very insightful and helpful reply @Ninjastar, thanks for that.

@Aziz lol, I doubt that’s true, but ya made me grin so thanks for the niceness :stuck_out_tongue:


@Repeat, The rapping itself is good but the piano background is unconventional and although creative, doesn’t really fit rapping.

I have some, but not much exposure to rap through my son, who died nine years ago. I haven’t heard much rap music since then. Maybe some artists have incorporated piano into the music since then? Idk.

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Ask @anon99233869 if you trying to rap. He raps good.

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Freestyle is hard. Keep it up.

I finally get your tagline. It’s a Monty Python joke.

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