Can you believe this?

I am schizophrenic :man_facepalming:


i know, like shhiiiiiiittt lol

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I mean do i sound schizophrenic? I have a hard time believing this

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Don’t let it sound so broad! Medicine has only gone so far and the spiritual phenomenon regarding schizophrenic delusion is very similar. A good example of how people lose interest in most daily activities could be comparable to Buddhist Philosophy of de-attachment which results in true freedom from suffering.

So to keep it short and sweat, these are early days still regarding research so although it’s great to have medicine help us, we shouldn’t completely define everything we’re told as 100% true… schizophrenic is but a word yet nobody is 100% the same


Me too vvvvvvaaa@@>

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I know it’s like a bomb going off!
I can’t believe I’m schizophrenic also.
It’s sometimes so difficult to accept my bipolar schizophrenia diagnoses.


I know and you don’t seem sz at all. It’s so weird. I don’t think I have it either, oh wait, that’s cus I takes me meds…

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What?! I can’t believe what I’m hearing… I never saw it coming.

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I think leaf is right about this :thinking:


I find this very distressing lately and as I anticipate a vacation from work. It is imperative that I find some form of interests to fill my many hours of free time. I’ve been through this topic of discussion several times. I need some creativity, direction, and hope.


Reading your post, I just realized I am too.
Wow, that kind of blind-sided me.

I’ve always chalked up my symptoms as just having a bad cold for the last 39 years. Thanks for the insight.


I keep thinking I should be able to control it. But I know I need the meds… still… damn.

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Well I’ll be…you could have fooled me @anon51414962. Would it surprise you to know that I am too! Can’t believe it myself sometimes.

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For me it was strange. I was doing bad stuff in the world and said no more. And my uncle said when you make a stand to do right, all unrighteousness will try it’s best to stop you. Soon after I was diagnosed. I won’t go into my life story but the event that put me in the hospital was I got in bed one day and felt hands over my neck choking me and I couldn’t breathe. A month before I felt like someone invisible was torturing me. I felt stabbing. burning. Crushing. Bones snapping. I thought I had a weird cold and it would go away. I tried to eat and my throat would twitch and I couldn’t swallow. I thought something was just stuck in my throat. It took a couple of years to realize this might be life long and life threatening if I don’t take meds. I await for a miracle.

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I think it is good to have hope in a miracle. Someday there may be a medical break through. It seems they are always coming up with new meds.

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Maybe you did, but now you don’t?

If you doubt it, then it is not true.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This thread came as a joke in my mind, i really had positive symptoms last month most recently, i don’t doubt my diagnosis @Norlane

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