Can Trauma Induce SZ?

Everyone hears about drug-induced schizophrenia and temporary psychosis, but when you’ve grown up with symptoms, is it possible that multiple traumas could have sped up the process of schizophrenia in me? I was thirteen when I first started having inside voices, the worst of all my symptoms. Prior to that though, I had visual hallucinations and outside voices for as long as I can remember. But when ■■■■ started hitting the fan, things got progressively worse.
I’ve said before that I’m a magnetic ■■■■ storm.
But I’ll be open about this.

(Traumas: House burned down, homeless and living with friends for three weeks, moved into rent house, inside voices Lena and Melanie appeared convincing me to carve symbols into my skin or try overdosing, best friend killed himself, was super homeless for four months living in a garage and starving to death, got sent to a ward, forced to drop out of school, everyone in my immediate family has almost died from terrible accidents or completely rare medical anomalies.)

Just wondering if it’s more likely for PTSD or stress to cause early onset of schizophenia?

As not all who experience significant trauma develop psychosis/schizophrenia it indicates other factors are needed that combined with trauma can cause psychosis/schizophrenia.

I don’t think that it is a prerequisite for schizophrenia but there is a high correlation between the two.