Should I tape it up?
If you’re using an Android, you can pretty easily toggle who has access. Here’s a link and a picture to tell you how to check.
I think you are delusional, about people watching you through you cell phone.
I’m impressed! 15
Preeeeetty majestic.
I watched a Snowden interview and he says someone could hack your camera even when you think your phone/tablet is turned off.
I don’t worry about that too much though, since Who would want to see me sitting on the toilet? No one wants to see that.
I suppose they could listen to you through your cell0hone as well but there’s gotta be a reason for watching and listening in in the first place
Dude no no one’s watching you its a delusion
i tape the cameras on my phone and tablet
If they hacked my phone they’d be pretty disappointed
I kept tape on mine for a long time. It helped me a little to feel like I had some privacy. But my phone started acting up and when I took it to get repaired they said it was due to covering the camera. I removed it and no problems since
that is weird huh… why would it start acting up if the camera lens is covered. That would make me prob more paranoid =D… like they want you to uncover the lens or something.
Yeah. That’s how I felt. But I tried it without the lens and no more problems
i’m glad i never had problems with it with the lens covered. But i only got a lens on the back of my phone though… mine doesn’t have a front lens.
Mine is on the front
ah yea that could be why it acts up cause maybe it needs to be able to see your face for like unlocking and stuff. My mum’s phone does that unlocking when it sees her face.
I don’t remember the explanation. I don’t have my phone set to recognize my face but if I did, you’d be right about that. It was a year ago when I finally took the tape off. The screen kept going black or not responding to my touch etc. I don’t remember what else it did.
good that you found a solution for it!
Some phones have a light sensor to tell when you are holding the phone up to your ear. This sensor turns off the screen to save battery - it assumes you are on a call so don’t need to see your screen