Important news for people having children, or who may be pregnant. The compounds they are talking about that was used in the study is phosphotydyl choline from Soy Lecithin at the level of 5 grams of choline (no Lecithin - choline is just part of Lecithin) a day - an example is here (which I know some people on the forum have used during their pregnancy): NOW Foods Lecithin - Google Shopping
In an update to a recent study, researchers say they are continuing to find evidence that women who take supplements containing choline when they’re pregnant may lower the risk of schizophrenia in their children.
The children in the study are now 4 years old, and are already showing fewer early signs of schizophrenia — such as certain attention and social problems — than expected, said Dr. Robert Freedman at a talk in New York City on Oct. 23. Half of the children in the study had an increased risk for schizophrenia because their mothers had depression, anxiety or psychosis.