Gaslighting can cause dissociation and multiple personality disorder. It is abuse, traumatic abuse, esp on children. I have seen a victim who is really meek develop an aggressive alternate who protects him when abused.
level 1
6 points·10 months ago
I would say no. Schizophrenia tends to be diagnosed in the early 20s for both men and women and both tend to show ventricles (holes) in the brain in MRIs. It seems more genetic/medical in origin.
I would say gaslighting is more likely to contribute to anxiety and depression than psychosis.
level 1
3 points·10 months ago
I def thought I had a mental illness for years. Of course I was being told it was me causing all the issues in my family
Guess what? Once I left they still had the issues and it rolled down to my other siblings. Of course then I was blamed for leaving them and abandoning the family. Can’t win with gaslighters
level 1
2 points·10 months ago
I’d say no. Schizophrenia is caused by neurons misfiring in your brain, and is completely chemical. It can be caused by excessive drug use, and sometimes stress, but only if there is already a predisposition to the illness (ie, a blood relative has the condition and you carry the gene)
level 1
3 points·10 months ago
Yeah I definitely felt like I was going crazy I would talked in whirlwinds of lies to myself to get myself to believe the ■■■■■■■■, polar opposite 1 moment of crying and angry to relief the next and then back. I’m so happy I smelt the coffee and finally stopped the relationship and punishing myself
Dont know about schizophrenia I think that’s genetic soif you have it maybe it could bring it out
level 1
1 point·10 months ago
I doubt it. Schizophrenia tends to be genetic, I think. Gaslighting can probably trigger psychosis if the person has a genetic tendency toward it.
level 1
1 point·10 months ago
I don’t think schizophrenia but definitely psychosis; I had a mental breakdown last year after two years of emotional abuse from my ex boyfriend (he would gaslight me and scream at me so often it got to a point that I was constantly on edge and legit scared of my own shadow - and basically developed anxiety from it)
After we broke up I travelled by myself to get over the break up and then it all came out… he was still messaging me horrible things and insults from the other side of the world and I think my brain had just had enough (also I was jetlagged, on the other side of the world alone and had been drinking a lot of alcohol because I was on holiday - so yeah I had psychosis for about 24 hours). I was convinced that people were trying to kill me and had to get the embassy involved to get me home because I didn’t know if I had been drugged or if I genuinely was in danger -but yeah I think my brain had just made it all up.
I still talk to him on the odd occasion and he’s nice as pie to me (because I think he knows what he’s done) and I’m happy to have a very distant chat with him twice a year just so that in my head I know that he doesn’t hate me (and then won’t kill me… which sounds odd now that I’m typing this out)
But yeah basically the moral of the story is - I think my brain used it as a defense mechanism because I was under a lot of stress and abuse from him so if I convinced myself that he was going to kill me then I’d stay away from him and heal. This did work and yes I had to go to psychology (I had ptsd symptoms) for a while, but I think it is helpful especially because I am one of those people who will always look back at a relationship in a good light and ignore the bad things - so this makes sure that I don’t go back to him.
level 2
1 point·9 months ago
Oh wow that’s an intense story. Thanks for sharing!
level 1
1 point·9 months ago
There is a case study about a woman. She was a big shot on wall street. Her partners were being charged with Felonies. She resigned and the company eavesdropped in her. The company placed noise machines under her floorboards in her New York, condo. They also hired actors to harass her when she left the house. She contacted her family, they told her that due to stress she was experiencing Psychosis.
As a smart businesswoman she contacted highly respected attorneys and sent them a timeline of what was going on. She also went to great lengths to document any and (all) weird things that were going on. Eventually, between not working and the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent to gaslight her. Her symptoms mirrored Psychosis, or even Schizophrenia. Hearing noises; paranoia etc. Her family advised her to check into a psychiatric ward. They believed the stress she experienced after losing her elite position with the company was causing her auditory hallucination and paranoia.
Three days after being admitted into a psychiatric facility, three big shot attorneys signed her out of the hospital. They swiped her house. And found the noise machines. They also found cameras. Hired investigators, the attorneys filed an 80-million-dollar lawsuit against the company. And they settled.
The Women would have been served with a subpoena to testify against the company. The company knew she would sell them out. So, they tried to inflict long term psychological damage on her by gaslighting her. If she was considered insane. Her testament would not be credible.
Had the attorneys not helped her, yes, she may have not become schizophrenic, but she may have been diagnosed with it. Part of her settlement was used for rehabilitation.
Justice is not like winning the lotto. Justice allowed this woman to use the money to go to highly trained psychiatrist that helped restore her to who she was before the company intentionally psychologically abused her.
No, a person cannot cause psychosis or Schizophrenia in another person. A gas lighter can make their victim appear as if they are. If I were to hide an annoying sound machine in your room; pretend to be your friend and have people repeat to you what is said in your house, you should document it. Call a private investigator and keep records of your mental health.
Psychosis, or even Schizophrenia is an easy gaslight game. The point of it is, those two diagnoses are hopeless. if a person who is the subject of Gaslighting, explains the alleged “gas lighter” techniques, to someone ignorant or an insurance muncher and has low net worth. They can be put on state record as Psychotic and or schizophrenic.
Yes, gaslighters, can use techniques to drive their subject insane. Not too smart. Extremly mentally ill people are not responsible for their actions in the court of law.
More posts from the gaslighting community
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You can guarantee you’re getting gaslighted if you find yourself expecting absolutely perfect memory and attention span out of yourself.
I know from personal experience.
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F*ck it’s happening to me
I recently saw this post on Instagram about gaslighting. Very cool post of a man with a gaslight head with a caption along the lines of “Your’e being too sensitive.” I was upset because my boyfriend says this to me all the time.
Here are other things he says
After I explain how his actions/words make me feel, “I feel like you’re trying to make me feel bad now.”
“I never said that.”
“What are you talking about?!”
Asks him if he smoked weed all day. Denies denies denies. Finally admits. I ask why he would lie.