I’m not sure if I got it the first 36,000 times.
I figure it means something like “give me food” or “cmon” or “hello” or something
But not completely sure
I’m not sure if I got it the first 36,000 times.
I figure it means something like “give me food” or “cmon” or “hello” or something
But not completely sure
It’s everything in the kitty arsenal to get you to do something!
Charlie was a talker. She was like every female in my family. They talk all the time. They talk about things you are doing to intrude on their world and they talk because they love you!
I miss that cat! So much of my life was involved in seeing how the cat was doing and I miss her and her meowing dearly!
Be nice to your cat matey!
Haha don’t worry I’m being nice I just think it’s funny how much of a talker he is too
love the Don Juan. It’s hard when they go. They make up so much of your life and you really miss them! Kudos to you and the boy!
My mom says “you never thought you’d be getting ready at 655 am to go to the grocery store right when it opens to get food for your cat huh???”
She has no idea how much I love the cat I guess then…
Yeah Don Juan’s birthday in about 2 months…he’ll be 2 wow!! Seems like I just got him.
So much fun ahead my friend! Such good companions. They really add to your life and are so much fun. A cat takes you out of yourself and headspace because in their headspace they are just playing with you!
So much fun!
I swear Soxy would have different meows depending on what she wanted.
Loud, long meow was feed me damnit
Soft, short meow was I’m sleeping damnit
Normal, normal was figure it out damnit
Boy I miss her. She was wonderful.
My lil boy Percy the cat agrees. Lazy sod just eaten and dozing on my bed. I can tell his different meows now. Wouldnt be without him - he sleeps by my head in bed at night bless him.
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