I think the flame is burning hotter than when I got him in terms of my feelings for him. How I know I made a good decision adopting him. It’s a different life. Caring for my baby kitten. He loves me so much and I love him too. He follows me everywhere. I am good with balance of discipline and watching out for him to not get hurt vs being a cool parent. Good balance. I think he respects me. If I was too lienent he might think I’m irresponsible. If I was too strict he might not like me. Cats are smarter than you think you know??? But he’s soooo cute. He wants to play all the time. I guess I did too as a child. I’m a good kitty parent!!
I think that’s damn near the cutest thing ever.
I like your Don Juan avatar @Goyankees (#GoDonJuan)