Also do you dream in your original language or do you dream in more than one language?
Bonjour! Je parle en français, mais je ne rêve pas en français
I speak Romanian (my mother tongue) as well as decent French and English. However, all of my (rare) verbal dreams are in Romanian. In the past I did have some foreign language dialogues, but not recently. I don’t remember when and why that happened, probably as a result of intense usage of said language the day(s) before the dream occurred.
I’m all thumbs with words so I chose music as my second language.
I didn’t get a word of that but it sounds like you can speak french?
I speak Gujarati at home (language of Gandhi) and I fluently understand Hindi
My mother tongue is English. But I can carry on a pretty good conversation in Spanish.
ich kan ein bischen Deutsch sprechen
I can speak a bit of german
aber nich viel
but not much…
I only know a few swear words in other languages
I know only the smallest smattering of Japanese.
I know a little bit of German. In general, I have basic/random knowledge of various Germanic and Slavic languages, but I understand German the best.
I dated a French girl for a while, and when I was dating her I spoke a lot more French than usual. Sometimes, my thoughts would be in French and I would forget the English word for things.
Ek kan n bietjie Afrikaans praat
(I can speak a bit of Afrikaans)
(a South African language similar to and coming from Dutch). Can understand a bit of Dutch too but can’t speak it. Will be easy to learn it if I want to though due to knowing Afrikaans
Kon ban wa.
O genki desu ka?
(Oh, and happy cake day!)
I speak Danish, Norwegian and English fluently.
I also speak conversational Swedish, but I spell it like a broken arm. (Meaning my spelling is shite)
I dream in all three languages, although English is a bit more rare.
My voices speak all four languages, but different voices have different preferences. Aamund only speaks Norwegian, for an example.
Mais c’est très bien! Tu parles bien français! Je le parle aussi, c’est bien mais il y a beaucoup de problèmes avec la grammaire pour moi!
Oui la grammaire est tres difficile. Je ne comprende pas beaucoup de grammaire. Pardon mois accents, je suis dans la clavier, pas mon telephone.
La clavier, c’est vrai? Je suis sur l’ordinataire aussi. C’est difficile, mais il n’y a pas du feu, c’est une experience pour l’education de français pour moi! C’est dommage, que je ne pas parler français avec tu, mais les temps sont durs.
I see…15151515
I understand so your mom wants to go to the beach