At the barbers he’s know me for a while but since I only been on invega this year and gained 35 pounds he hasn’t seen me in a while due to covid i was just wondering if anyone else has been called fat and feel like it’s not your fault
I have been called fat by different people and I have had people think I’m preg because my belly sticks out more than my boobs.
I ran into someone I went to school with before I started my diet. As we were driving away she was loudly telling her husband how horrible I looked. It was humiliating. I’m determined to be thin.
I’ve been mocked for my weight since putting a lot on due to meds but honestly? I don’t really care. I’m determined to get healthy but pleasing other people is not a reason for my losing weight at all. They can get ■■■■■■ lol.
The last time two people in a row called me fat, I immediately turned around and lost 40 lbs. No one has called me fat since and that was 5 years ago.
I had a few people ask me that too.
How long did it take you to lose it what did you do?
Try to use it as motivation.
I used to be very thin, but psych meds caused me to gain almost 150 lbs and it was really difficult to lose even s few pounds. Last year I managed to lose 80 lbs, but have gained 25 back. Still working on losing more, but just don’t have the control over my diet that I need because I’m living with my in-laws right now.
How are you @LED?
Really sore. Physical therapy has been kicking my butt this week.
What about you?
Funny story I think I have related before…
When I was in my early 20’s I started drinking all of these high protein weight shakes to try and bulk up. But you were also supposed to work out at the gym to get the full effect. Well, the weight all went straight to my gut…and I have pretty skinny legs. My brother hadn’t seen me in a while…took one look at me and said…
Cripes man! You look like an egg on stilts!
I was so humiliated, I stopped drinking the shakes. Funny line though…I still remember it 35 years later.
Sorry to hear that. Not too bad here. Worrying about nothing.
Absolutely, I’ve experienced this. I was always rather slim before had to start taking medication. I gained about 20 pounds very rapidly. My extended family was very used to the tiny frame that I had had my entire life.
Early last year when went over for a visit for the first time since I had started taking my medication, they reacted with humiliating shock to my weight gain. Right as I entered the door, I was told, “Gosh you’re so fat now”. I was very upset about it. Being a bigger size was a whole new adjustment for me too. But being told I was fat really hurt my confidence. I pretty much hibernated and never went anywhere, neglected friends etc.
Fortunately I’ve managed to lose the weight through intermittent fasting and exercise. I’m back to the old me. But it’s pretty wild how people can just say things without any regard for others and what they’re going through.
I’m sorry you’ve experienced this. I know it’s easier said than done, but don’t let other people’s opinions negatively affect you or let you think poorly of yourself. Your medication is necessary for your well being. I wish I’d told myself this back when I was in high stress over gaining weight.
someone used to tell me that i could do with getting my legs toned.
it made me uncomfortable.
i dont speak to them one to one anymore
they make me anxious in that scenario
i knw everything they say they mean well
but i just feel unnatural pressure around them one to one
and theres another reason it is private
Your weight is nobody’s business. There are plenty of big people without as good of an excuse.
When I was on different meds and had been dieting for long periods of time my home health nurse was very critical.
I wanted to tell her just what I thought. She was no skinny mini herself and likely no excuse. But you can’t.
I used to be the pinnacle of being in shape. 6 feet, 165 pounds, resting pulse of 60, could run 2 miles in 14 minutes. Now I’m a blob. I weigh more than 100 pounds more than I should. Got called fat by some loser who almost hit me with her car. People suck.
I’m obese now but I have to lose weight, it’s a matter of life or death.
I’m determined to lose lots of weight but first I’m going to have to come off Depakote.
It’s killing me.
I used to be on depakote too I got of and the weight gain slowed down
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