My dentist of 45 years told me I needed two crowns and a filling but when I went to a Medicaid dentist she wanted to pull two teeth. I called my original dentist and he called me back and said essentially what @Charles_Foster said, that dentists that take Medicaid don’t want to bother with saving a tooth because they don’t want to go through all the bother of filling out the paper work to get a crown approved so it’s easier for them just to pul it.
Which is kind of a shitty policy if you think about it. You only have so many teeth and pulling teeth can be a life changing event eventually leading to partial or full dentures. So it’s kind of shitty of these dentists to do something that isn’t really necessary so offhandedly like it’s no big deal.
I was supposed to go today to have the teeth pulled but I cancelled; now I have to pay a $50 cancellation fee. I’ll look for another dentist that takes Medicaid but my dentist said it’s likely to be the same wherever I go. I did use a new dentist about two months ago that took Medicaid who put a couple of crowns on but his website says his office is mysteriously temporarily closed.
When I first came home from being insane I had a lot of upper teeth work done and my parents took me to the dentist and told the dentist to just pull the bad teeth (I didn’t have them all done in a day it was more like oh a have a toothache oh pull out the tooth… I eventually ended up with 5 upper teeth hardly able to eat hard food because I had so many missing teeth… my at the time boyfriend now husband paid to get those last 5 removed and got me a denture for my upper part
Even after getting partials they want to pull two of my other teeth. They’re not forcing me. I hope you find a dentist thatll treat you better and listen to your concerns.