By helping others do you help yourself in that process?
Anyone online?
I think that doing good to others does help you feel better, about yourself.
However, my parents say doing good to others means you’ll get more “blessings”. I think that’s a load of crap. Because with that logic, people will selfishly help other people, but only for their own personal benefit.
I believe people should do good to other people regardless of whether it helps yourself or not.
You can’t go wrong helping others imo
its better to be good than bad in every area of life
Goodness reaps rewards
karma and you reap what you sow
This is why there is not really any altruism. The closest thing we had to that was Mother Teresa and even she didn’t believe in altruism from what I understand. I strive, but I know I fail, it just brings me too much pleasure to see other people happy.
I’ve always thought helping others was such a courageous thing to do but also very rewarding. The thing that puts me off is the fact that someone could be ungrateful and just throw it all back in your face. Especially if you dont exactly know how to help them. They may become very horrible in the process which is what puts me off if I’m honest. So I’m more inclined to help animals. As although they might not know what gratefull means but you can tell they benefit in some way or another.
why is this in the school work category? I dont really care but
Yes because the greatest thing Is to love and when you give you receive spitual strength
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