Are we just here to make others feel better about themselves

Like is this our purpose? I feel like thats true a lot. Its part of the balance u have to have good living and bad living and im the bad living. I probably make my roommate happier knowing he isn’t me. And probably a lot of other people too. Some people just get dealt a bad hand and schizoa and schizo people are just an example

Some babies are born with just a brain stem and for the extent of their short lives never have any cognitive function at all. They don’t suffer so I guess they are not necessarily the worst off but they do miss out on life entirely. There are plenty of screw ups of nature in the World.

Nobody has made me feel better aside from @prnoidschiz

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Well, I see nothing wrong with our making each other feel better. We’re cheaper than a therapist, even cheaper than a discussion over coffee with a friend. It’s a fine purpose.


Most optimistic view on anything ive ever seen

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I’m glad I’ve made you feel better, but what did I say to make you feel better?

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Just some encouraging words and how much I think we are alike.

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I’m so glad I’ve been encouraging. We should always be encouraging and lifting each other up.


I agree.

15 characters bedjkfndks

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Yeah, we have been dealt a bad hand. But it’s what you do with it that matters. In five-card draw poker you get to discard up to four cards and then draw four new ones. Well, that could be our lives with schizophrenia. We can’t get rid of schizophrenia but we can quit drugs, alcohol, over-eating, staying up to late at night or some other vice that’s holding us back and replace it with being a nice person, helping others, kindness, being responsible and other nice traits.