Brain disease

So schitzophrenic is a disease of the brain, or a disorder. I think if I ever get asked what illness I have or if it ever comes along again I think il just say “brain disease” or I have “disease of the brain” instead of telling folks the word “schitzophrenia”. The reason why is not only would there be less stigma but people would also inherently put it in the topic of other illnesses such as cancer or diabetes. An illness is an illness- physical or mental. Schitzophrenia is a scare word for some- disabled is too judged- but disease is more relatable
What do u all think of that? Telling folk “oh I have a form of a illness of the brain, dopamine receptors, etc”. or such instead of “I have schitzophrenia/mental illness”


I tell them I have “Nunofyergoddamnbusiness” and leave it at that.

