"Born Schizophrenic" Parents Face Judge in Medical Abuse Case

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I’ve seen some documentaries about them, as well as interviews.

It annoyed me how the mother couldn’t accept that Bodhi was simply autistic, and that she was fighting so hard to give him the same meds as Jani, despite meds being different for each person.

Maybe this way he can be taken care of by someone more suited to deal with an autistic child prone to overstimultation.

That’s insane. Someone took their kid to 50 doctors to get them diagnosed as sz? Talk about abuse!

Yeah 50 is about 45 way too many

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I was always sceptical about the parents. It seemed the parents were using their children to garner publicity for themselves.


I was supportive of them at first, as a person with adolescent-onset schizophrenia. But, when I saw the Dr. Phil show recently, I was shocked and out of words.
If I can bring my personal story to this, I was a terrified and shocked young girl at the age of 14 when I had my first brief psychotic episode. And appearing on camera in this state would be absolutely terrifying. I just cannot imagine what Jani felt when she was brought up in her mother’s videos.
Although my psychosis took a fraction of my youth, they are children and they deserve to be in fulfillment and be supported. They have rights. They deserve to be loved and provided privacy. Having children, like myself, on camera just for the parents’ will is absolutely ridiculous, even though when the children are not able to communicate due to their mental illnesses.


I saw and read some things about these children and found it worrying. I stopped reading/watching it. I cant judge, since i dont know them, but i hope the kids will be protected. Sad situation.

I just don’t know. I’ve seen a couple of documentaries about this family. I had my doubts when one said that Jani was hallucinating 95% of the time. That said, it still seemed genuine. Like, when you think about it, you’ve got to be some kind of genius coach to get a 4 year old to act as psychotic as Jani seemed. Attacking her younger brother to the point where the two had to live in separate apartments, interacting with her hallucinations, crying and/or screaming about hallucinations, etc. I highly doubt that anyone, let alone a young child, could fake schizophrenic symptoms that well.

On Bodhi, I really want to give the parents the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps they observed similar symptoms in both Jani and Bodhi. Perhaps they thought that Jani’s misdiagnosis of autism was happening with Bodhi as well.

I don’t know. I guess I just have a hard time figuring out why someone would waste all that money on a lie. AP’s are expensive, psychiatrists are expensive, renting two apartments is expensive, hospitalizations are expensive. How could someone coax a 4 year old well enough to fool professionals? How would the child even know when to act psychotic and when to act normal?

That said, there are things that make me suspicious. Why were they always filming? Why did they take Bodhi to so many different doctors? Why did they take Jani out in public (while filming, of course) while she was hallucinating so badly that she was crying? Why would they want their children’s personal business out on the internet for everyone, including potential friends and employers) to see?

I don’t know what’s going on. I want to give the parents the benefit of the doubt, but at the same time, I’m not convinced that they’re trustworthy. Time will tell, I guess. I just hope that Jani and Bodhi turn out alright, that they get the help they need, and that they spend the remainder of their lives safe, and with a loving family.


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